New Agents + Party Recap!

Wow! What a party! Thank you so much to the moderator team for hosting last night! Not only was the party extremely exciting, but we now have 2 new agents to go with the 2 new moderators!

The Party was a tonne of fun! We listened to some awesome music, everyone played solos at varying times which sounded... interesting? There was some exclusive shirts being rained! We got a Nirvana, The Rolling Stones and a Rock & Roll shirt! We also got some cool new Yeezys that I'll definitely save for the next fancy party!

Thank you Bebot for the photo!

During the party, it was announced that Megs and I will be your new agents going forward! I look forward to helping out around Chotopia and working with the team to bring you a great experience! Thank you to the people who voted, you're amazing E>. 

Thank you! I can't thank you guys enough! I'll see you around Chotopia! Stay safe & stay awesome!

Realm x)

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